Putting aside the argument about there being no set standard for what males and females are "supposed" to look like, why aren't there multiple "no picture" pictures? As a female, are you offended? Guys, would you be offended if you didn't have a picture up and the default placed a long hair-styled or otherwise "feminine"-looking icon?
Why is the only default picture for people without pictures a person who looks male (short haired)?
Well, if a feminine icon was posted I might just get off my indifference to the whole avatar thing and make myself one.
Why is the only default picture for people without pictures a person who looks male (short haired)?
I want to know the same thing. I thinkit may be because most IT people are guys.
I wondered why in the name of fairness, though, didn't they make it a female?
Good luck
Why is the only default picture for people without pictures a person who looks male (short haired)?
very good question,I have asked this to myself before,maybe who every designed this will answered it,I hope so
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