Skipping grade?
i am 12 and in 8th grade. i skipped my sixth grade year. this is because of my knowlege of calcules and quantum mechanics/phichycs now i am very board. the classes are just to easy. because of this i fall asleep in class and start doing werird things. i snore when i sleep so teachers are pissssed at me. my IQ is 142 on my free time a solve jig saw puzzles on computer. 1000 picses to 500. i dont know what to do i want to skip this grade its toooooooooooooo eassssssy. i know these languages spanish,chienese,japanases,and french. class is so easy that ive been absent almost every single day mantaining my 4.2 avrage. teachers are hard headed and dont want to admit a guy with long hair styled like L of death note and sleeps in class and sits weird on chairs is smarteer than them. They hate me. so i cant count on them to help me skip a grade. i almost forgot on my 7th grade year i only went the last month and got straight 4.2 one 4.0 and one 3.8 .
well my over all qustions
Skipping grades plsss read details?
Possibly if you focus this year on improving your writing skills they might consider letting you skip a grade next year. You don't sound mature enough to skip to ninth grade now.
Skipping grades plsss read details?
I highly doubt that Report It
Skipping grades plsss read details?
Yo,you really smarter than me.Congratulation!!!!!!!!
Skipping grades plsss read details?
Maybe if you learned how to write better and showed up to class the teachers would like you more. You will not be able to skip a grade and you are not that smart.
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