Do u know any hairstyle websites? Plse share to me , my brother wants to cut a new long hair style but he doesnt know what is suit to him . So if u have some opinons plse help me ... Thanks ^_^
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try lots of good info. they have diffrent hair styles to try on, just upload your picture.:)good luck!
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Search google. I found lots of good sites there. It's very helpful.
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i dunno hairsylse are stupid
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look in magazines its alot easier!
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Try google. Bon Jovi hairstyle will suit anyone n every1.
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Go to the salon and look at the mens hairstyle books. Then you can show the pic to the stylist. That way you'll come closer to getting what you want instead of trying to describe it to the stylist. If you go with a website pic, print it out and take it with you to the salon for reference. LOL!
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I would go into a salon and look through their books that they have sitting around. Another thing that you can do, is call a salon and have a consultation with a stylist. All of them are up for it, and people need to know what a professional thinks! The best thing is, conultations are usually free, just don't forget to ask! And lastly when you know what style may suit you best, you dont have to get it cut at an expensive salon, just go to another place and explain what you want, saving money, and ruining your chances at a bad cut. Remember, people that work at salons, usually had to get their start somewhere, and saving money to go to a less expensive place isnt that bad.
Also there are plenty of hairstyle magazines at local grocery stores in the magazine and book aisles.
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I don't know any websites, but I do have this! My brother has pretty long hair(it goes exactly down to the top of his shoulders). It also flips up at the ends so it kinda looks like girls hair , but it isn't, so it might look good on him, if it looks good on my brother.
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yes u could go to
Plse help me plse?
Go 2 Google and type in what your looking for or go to askjeeves.
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