Monday, April 16, 2012

New hair style.?

Im wanting to get my hair cut in a new style, emo/punk but nothing to over the top, my hair is jet black... and quite long im not sure what style to pick, or what even to ask to get any ideas please guys?

New hair style.?

my hair is long and black too..woo hoO! lol anywyas, i wouldnt wanna get it cut short, unless its pissing u off, try a few shaggy layers, then straighten it flicking the striaghtener up as u get to the end and the end will stay up. looks really cute, that's what i do!

New hair style.? sounds like you have pretty good hair right now. but maybe some scene hair but if that's a little over the top i think that the long side swept bangs (or what ppl call emo hair, but i hate labels) are really awesome looking. just google emo hair on images

New hair style.?

flattops are in..

New hair style.?

I'm assuming your a dude lol so here are some I found and if you like any of them just print it out and show it to your hair stylist :D


or if your a girl




good luck :D

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