I want to look really good when i see my boyfriend. I have hazel eyes, long dirty blonde hair (well to my b00bs) and a round/oval (idk which1 it is) face. PiC INCLUDED. what color eye shadows (yes or no to eyeliner and mascera?) would look best on me. how about a hair style? up, down, curly, straight? Im allowed to wear all makeup, fyi.
THANK YOU GUYS! I'll give you a thumbs up for answering me! =]
How should I wear my makeup %26amp; hair? PiC INCLUDED/?
awee you're so pretty. navy blue eyeliner (with glitter in it maybe?) would be gorgeous on the bottom with a nude eyeshadow and black mascara, with pale pink lips. its a good night look.
idk if its what you're into, but i think it always looks good =]
How should I wear my makeup %26amp; hair? PiC INCLUDED/?
With hazel eyes, you can have fun with a few colors :). I think lilac, violet, jade, and pale gold eyeshadow shades would look pretty on you (not all together at once lol, choose one ;) . A little bit of mascara on your top lashes, and then a nice sheer lip color would look great :). For your hair, it's really up to you. Maybe you can try wearing it half up half down? Good luck!
How should I wear my makeup %26amp; hair? PiC INCLUDED/?
i think that your make up should be a nice natural, tan eye shadow, but with dark brown eye liner on the top of the eye lid and the inside of the bottom of your eye....
your hair looks fine, but if you want to fix it up a little more, try getting intense layers and chin length bangs. This hair style can be, curled, straightened of left a lown...
remember, its not what you do to your hair, its what you put in it, so fine a GREAT product that will help and nurish your hair...
herbal essences is my fav.
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