Monday, April 16, 2012

Hair Trouble?

can any1 help me?i'm tired of my hair being in a pony tail 24/7,can any1 give me an idea of what i can do with my long,thick,red hair?i will choose the best answer if the hair style works,i'm really getting bored of my everyday ponytails,thank you.

Hair Trouble?

Here are some nice hair style sites. Maybe you can find something helpful on one of them:

Matrix -

The Hair Styler -

2 Hair Styles -

Hair Styles -

Hair Styles Design -

Hair Finder -

Wedding Hair Styles -

All Things Hair -

Good luck! =)

Hair Trouble?

put gel in it and let it down.. try to strighting it with a flat iron...

Hair Trouble?

go to the salon look at the books and ask for advice

Hair Trouble?

You could get a step or layered cut and leave it open. That looks very nice!

Hair Trouble?

first thing: u need to change ur hair color and add highlights coz this wud dramatically do magic!

second: go thru magazines or ask ur stylist which cut cud really exentuate ur face (round, square, oval) if u have really long hair i wud suggest that u cut it short (around jaw line) for a dramatic change and this wud also require very little maintenance

third: love it! feel good about it! trust me.. with a little more confidence ull definetly feel more sexy..

lastly: invest on ur hair! dont go to cheap salons that cud ruin ur hair! get really good stylist and u wont regret it!

Hair Trouble?

well any real styling takes time so I suggest going to a parlor and asking for a cut that will be easy to manage and look good.

I am a CNA I know A:: about pony tail/bun syndrom

Hair Trouble?

let it down.

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