Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Guy hair style?

My parents are forcing me to get a hair cut because its to long so i need a new style. I prefer to wear a hat because my hair is thin. Here is a pic:

Have any ideas and where should I go?

Guy hair style?

A fade does usually look good on most guys, but (please don't take this the wrong way) your face is already pretty long and a fade will make your face look even longer, what I would suggest is to go to a hairstylist, female, as close to your age as possible and ask her for her opinion, it will flatter her and make her want to do a better job and at the same time it will get you an up date, in style, and individual hairstyle. I recommended this to someone that was having a hair cut crisis before, and to this day, he claims it was his best haircut he ever had. besides if you don't like it you can keep your cap on, mens hair grows fast anyway; but I'll bet you like the way it comes out!!

Guy hair style?

go with a Fade they always look good on guys

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