Monday, April 16, 2012

African American Hair Styling Question?

I have been wearing braids for a while now. Luckily I still have my edges. :) My hair is getting too long for braids and to be honset I am kinda tired of braids. I wanna try something new and I dont wanna wear my natural hair out just yet. Are there any styles that I can wear that will give my hair time to grow and be easy on my edges?

African American Hair Styling Question?

I'm also natural, and I usually wear braids/kinky twists, as I find they last long, and I can leave my hair alone.

But, if your edges are thinning, and you don't want to wear your hair out, try a wig. Weaves will thin your edges out more if you get a full-head, because they're just braiding the natural hair underneath the weave.

Also, if your hair is long enough to put in a ponytail, try hair pieces, like phony ponytails. Try to find a kinky ponytail so you won't have to pull your hair back to match a bone straight ponytail.

African American Hair Styling Question?

the onlly thing to help the edges is wearing your hair down straightening and stuff like that

African American Hair Styling Question?

Is your hair natural or relaxed?

You know after you pull the braids down you need to get a trim first cause your ends will be split and damaged. It's really hard to give suggestions unless I knew how long your hair was and whether its natural or relaxed...

African American Hair Styling Question?

Starighten your hair with corioliss or chi iron. I've always hated braids and theres nothin else you can do if you want it down beside irons. ICorioliss is the way to go. I have one. Buy it on ebay for 15$ they ahve it in black pink purple or wet to dry. I reccomend the colore or black. They normally sell for 100 bucks at malls. Malls will rip you off though!!!!!! By the way im 12ish

African American Hair Styling Question?

i would say get it relaxed but that just messed up my edges big time. so just use a straightening iron and use some heat protection spray to prevent them form breaking off

African American Hair Styling Question?

after 17 years of different hairstyles i've found that extentions, weaves, braids just make my hair weak. try straightening your hair and wrapping it at night it will keep your hair looking and feeling healthly,

when you put weave and braids in ur hair it might look good but underneath ur real hair is going bad, so just wear it natural and keep it healthy....

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