Friday, April 20, 2012

How can I get my guy to grow his hair longer?

The guy I'm seeing would look so good with longer hair. He keeps it so short, people assume he's in the military!

I've tried hinting, and when it gets longer I tell him how good it looks, but he immediately says "I need a haircut" and gets it cut again. I think he's had the style for so long he doesn't know what else to do. How can I convince him to grow it out a little?

How can I get my guy to grow his hair longer?

Are you having an affair with my husband?! I have had this exact conversation with him so many times! He keeps his hair really short too, and just when it starts to fill in and get a little growth, he gets it cut again. I've tried, but have come to realize he's not going to change his hair. He's not the type who's going to spend any time whatsoever styling his hair, so the short thing works for him.

How can I get my guy to grow his hair longer?

In the end, it is his hair. If he wants it short, that is his decision. Have you tried flat out telling him you think his hair would look great if it was longer?

How can I get my guy to grow his hair longer?

He may not like it long, he may find it bothersome or know something about it that you dont. My husband has had the same haircut since he was a little boy, one time he decided that he would try to grow it out, it was not a good idea. His hair was so curly it looked like Annie's hair. His hair, his head, I would let him wear it as he pleases, at least its neat and tidy, think of it this way, it could be a mullet or something worse!

Good luck!

How can I get my guy to grow his hair longer?

Supposing your a comfort oriented girl and your guy keeps bugging you to wear high heels? Or that he hates your professionally manicured medium length shovel tips and wants you to wear your nails short and natural, like his? Or vice versa? Buys you a dress you hate and insists that your wear it?

When it comes to stuff like hair, nails, all you can do is occaisionally mention that you'd like see some other style for a change. To browbeat someone about such matters just isn't acceptable.

How can I get my guy to grow his hair longer?

Why are you trying to change him? It's HIS HAIR after all, not yours. Please.

How can I get my guy to grow his hair longer?

It's his hair, his decision. Even with the compliments, he's obviously not comfortable with it, which is fine.

How can I get my guy to grow his hair longer?

Some guys just don't like the long hair look, and if he doesn't want it, don't force him. You wouldn't like it if you had the world's most gorgeous long hair and he wanted you to chop it off, right?

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